Do Your Thing
How to do your thing
Pick your challenge
Set yourself a task or challenge. Will you and your friends run a half-marathon in budgie smugglers? How about growing your hair to waist length or shaving it off completely? Set yourself a target and collect donations from people to see you do your thing. Once the dollar target is reached, complete your challenge! Make sure to have photos and videos taken of you while completing your challenge.
Spread the word
Let others know about your fundraiser and ask your friends and family to donate. Post about your fundraiser on social media, send links via email and text message and promote your fundraiser offline, too. The more people you tell, the quicker you’ll reach your fundraising goal.
Submit funds raised
If any of your supporters have given you cash or sent money into your bank or PayPal account rather than using your campaign donation form, transfer their contribution to Possum Portraits. Get bragging rights if you reach your fundraising target and a certificate from us to put up on your wall of fame at home!
Set up your campaign
To fundraise online, you can set up your own 'crowdraiser' on a platform called GiveNow. It is free to use and to set up a campaign.
Simply select Possum Portraits from the dropdown menu as the cause you want to fundraise for, and then shout about your campaign from the rooftops!
How to spread the word about your campaign
Include links to your campaign page in emails to friends, family and anyone else you'd like to invite to donate
Share the link to your campaign page on your social media profiles
To increase the impact of your campaign and help people understand exactly why you are fundraising, it is helpful to record a small video in which you explain why this cause is important to you. You can then post this video on channels like Instagram, YouTube or TikTok and redirect back to your campaign page.
Invite people to donate to your challenge before you complete it, the incentive being to see you do the challenge you set yourself!
If your challenge is by invitation only, include the URL to your campaign page on the paper invitation
Write or print the URL of your campaign page on little bits of paper and carry them around with you to hand out to people
Tell everyone about your challenge: word of mouth is king