This series of personal stories from parents who have suffered pregnancy or baby loss holds space for talking about loss and grief.
In sharing their stories about pregnancy journeys, infertility, feelings and bereavement, these parents are beginning to exorcise the double demons of silence and ignorance that afflict so many conversations on baby loss.
Parents share their journeys and their advice, if any, on living after the death of their baby. They tell us how they have changed, who they have become, and what truly matters now.

Angel baby boy Noah
Noah Adrian Galizia came into the world on October 31, 2020. The joy of his arrival was soon overshadowed by the heartbreaking reality that he became an angel in heaven shortly after birth.
As a mother, I held him close and showered him with all the love in my heart during those fleeting moments. Noah's memory is an indelible part of our family, a presence that lives on in the hearts of both his parents and his big brother, Leo.
I held him close and showered him with all the love in my heart. Noah's memory is an indelible part of our family.
Noah, my sweet Noah Adrian, continues to be a beloved presence in our lives. Every day his father, Leo and I talk about him, finding comfort and solace in sharing our memories and keeping his spirit alive. We are grateful for the guidance and protection of God, who watches over Baby Noah in heaven, and we appreciate the understanding and support of those willing to talk about him.
We appreciate the understanding and support of those willing to talk about Noah.
The pain of losing Noah is a constant companion, an ache that never truly fades. We often wonder about the life he might have had and the dreams he could have pursued.
While our hearts overflow with love for our son Leo, we understand that Noah occupies a unique place in our hearts that can never be replaced. Noah's brief presence in our lives has imparted profound lessons in patience, surrender, trust, and the immeasurable value of every moment. We find solace in believing that our family in heaven is watching over him, offering him the care and love he deserves.
Noah's brief presence in our lives has imparted profound lessons in patience, surrender, trust, and the immeasurable value of every moment.
I held my precious Noah in my arms for just two short hours in 2020. The void left by his absence is a wound that time cannot heal. My heart aches with love and longing for him.
Noah is dearly missed, and his memory remains a source of both profound sorrow and unwavering strength for our family.
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