In this post we introduce Stillbirth Stories, a UK-based archive of personal stories on the topic of perinatal bereavement. The archive is collated and run by Nicola Gibson, Emma Beck and Prof. Alexander Heazell. Together they interview and release short, documentary-style podcasts with loss families who relate their experiences.

Both Emma and Nicola worked as documentary television producers and directors at the BBC and have suffered losses themselves. Alexander is the Clinical Director of the Tommy’s Stillbirth Research Centre in St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester and a Consultant Obstetrician. He is chair of the International Stillbirth Alliance, an organisation bringing parents and professionals together to facilitate international collaboration and to raise the profile of stillbirth.
This archive of stories and resources is relevant to loss parents and clinicians alike, as it addresses a broad range of topics associated with perinatal bereavement.
Clinicians will find content on talking to parents, post-mortem investigations, training, clinical care and support for their end of the stick. Parents will find resources on grieving, relating to family and friends after loss, remembering their baby, pregnancy after loss and many insights besides.
Below you can listen to a sample podcast or head directly to Stillbirth Stories to browse their archive.
Shauna's Story
Shauna* (37) is a student midwife. She lives in the South East of England and gave birth to her stillborn son Micah on July 24th 2015 at 32 weeks and five days. He weighed three kilograms and 40 grams and measured 47 centimetres. In the third trimester Shauna was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. At a routine appointment, before a planned induction, a scan confirmed that Micah’s heart had stopped beating.
*Because she works in maternity care, Shauna is a pseudonym.